
Your friendly neighborhood movie reviewers

Friday, January 22, 2010


Nelson: Well we watched "Year One" tonight. It has several of our favorite stars in it and we were not sure what to expect. It had several laugh out loud moments, but the time line for history is way off and the story was nonsensical. As I said I did laugh out loud several times but I find that I cannot really recommend this movie unless you just want to blow an hour and a half and have a couple of laughs. I do not plan to watch the movie again but am glad I did. I would give it 1.5 stars.

Pam: I don't think the intention was for the timeline to be historically accurate; I think the writers wanted to play with different scenarios and ancient beliefs. Our silly and inept hunter/gatherers (Jack Black and Michael Cera) are thrown out of the tribe and head off to the "end of the world." They soon discover there is no end of the world, but a thriving, populated world just over the nearest mountain. They encounter Cain and Abel, Abraham about to sacrifice Isaac, Abraham expounding on the virtues of circumcision, and Abraham denouncing the evils of Sodom. There's also Roman soldiers, slaves, evil kings, and incompetent high priests. There's some crude humor, debauchery (they do visit Sodom) and the quest to lose virginity, so I would say even though it's rated PG-13, it's not suitable for young kids, unless you're ready to explain circumcision. I agree with Nelson: 1.5 stars


Anonymous said...

Test comment by blog author

CMFolz said...

Did you two realize that you are actually saving me precious minutes of my life...we had pondered this one, but heaven knows we get enough laughs from our own family and who has an hour and a half to blow?!! I LOVE THIS! Thanks pals!