
Your friendly neighborhood movie reviewers

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ok 21 - 25

Nelson: Tonight is 21 - 25, then tomorrow we will be into the top 20 for us.
21. "Caddyshack" - This is a classic comedy and came out when I was in High School. The cast is superb, and the comedy is top notch, top notch. Caddyshack II was terrible but this one was great. I loved Rodney Dangerfield, and Chevy Chase and can watch this movie over and over. 4.5 stars
22. "The Godfather II" - This one, the prequel/part two was a great movie, not as good as number one in my opinion however. I liked seeing The Don's rise to the top and how his family was started and grew, and also to see Michael's assention tot he top, but number 1 will always be better to me. 4.5 stars
23. "Ocean's 11" - The cast is great, the story was too, but the acting beat both of those. The story based loosely on the first Ocean's 11 was much more stylized and well put together. 4.5 stars
24. "School of Rock" - Loved Jack Black and his interaction with the kids. I enjoy this movie over and over again and we watch it with the kids monthly. The song at the end is phenomenal, I just love it all. 4.5 stars
25. "It's a Wonderful Life" - I'll probably catch hell for this not being higher but it really is a personal and family favorite, however if I were to go into a bomb shelter with only 20 movies I might not choose it, makes me cry everytime. However the story is worth watching and timeless, but I have a newer variation I personnally like better. 4.5 stars

25. "Once" - This movie snuck up on me - I wasn't sold on it at the beginning, but the longer I watched it the more enchanted I became. There are no big names in this movie, just beautiful music, subtle, natural acting and a lovely story. W: 3.5 stars E.A.: 4.25 stars
24. "Blue," "White," "Red" Trilogy - I'm going to cheat from here on out by grouping movies into trilogies and series - sorry, but there's just too much to include in a list of 35, plus the movies work together in themes and storylines, such as these. If you watch them in order, you will see glimpses of characters from other stories. For example, in one scene at a courthouse, you see a woman in the background from another movie walking in for a court appearance in a different courtroom. Cool stuff like that. Each film has a theme that corresponds to the colors of the French flag, plus the color palette of each movie matches its title. Of the three, "Blue" is my favorite. It stars Juliette Binoche as the wife of a famous composer who hides one of his darkest secrets. W: 4.25 stars E.A.: 4 stars
23. "John Adams" - Okay, I'm cheating again. This was a series on HBO, but I watched it on DVD as a movie, so that's the way I'm going to review it. I love historical movies, especially ones as authentic as this one. There is no need to overdramatize the story of Revolutionary America - it's one of the most amazing stories of mens' (and womens' - thank you, Abigail Adams) ideas manifesting themselves into a new nation ever told. Absolutely thrilling - I cried in the scene where the representatives from the colonies signed the Declaration of Independence. I felt their fear as they participated in this act of high treason, and yet they did it because it was right. W: 4 stars E.A.: 5 stars
22. "A Walk on the Moon" - Another Diane Lane movie, who stars along with one of my all-time favorite actors, Viggo Mortensen. It's set in the summer of 1969 at a family campsite. Lane is a housewife camping with her husband and children who meets Viggo, a hippie who's passing through. Do I agree with her infidelity? No, but that's not the point. This movie is exploring women's liberation on a very personal level at a time when it was socially unacceptable. I love Diane Lane in this movie - watch how her hair and clothes change as the movie progresses - she blossoms. W: 4 stars E.A.: 4.25 stars
21. "Eastern Promises" - This one stars Viggo Mortensen as a Russian mobster who encounters Naomi Watts. This one had me hooked until the end - I couldn't figure it out and I loved that. Beautiful, quiet movie that made me think. W: 4 stars E.A.: 4.25 stars


Julea/Julie said...

You guys have done a great job here. Hays and I use Netflix, 3 out at a time, with him getting 2 choices because it takes me so long to sit and watch a movie. He will love this and probably find several great movies that Netflix has not suggested for him.

Bradford said...

OK....I'm going to make a list.

Do you have plans for genre lists?