
Your friendly neighborhood movie reviewers

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Love Happens

Pam: Aaron Eckhart has always been one of my favorite actors, ever since Erin Brockovich. His character is very interesting in this movie - he's not comedic, and is rather serious as he's dealing with the death of his wife. The viewer doesn't know the whole story, and you won't until the end, so some of his behavior is a little hard to understand at first, but he does keep your interest. Jennifer Aniston spends the whole movie letting him know how they are not suited for each other, and yet continues to spend time with him. It makes you wonder why he pursues her, but maybe he's just looking to make a change in his lonely life and she's the one he chose to try it out on. Her break-up at the beginning of the movie with her live-in boyfriend seems a little contrived, and I would have appreciated more time spent exploring her sense of betrayal and sadness, but that would have made her less available for Eckhart's character, so in movieland, she resolved those feelings rather quickly. There's a great supporting appearence by Martin Sheen, another of my favorite actors. Overall, the movie is watchable, but I cannot wholeheartedly recommend it. 2.5 stars out of 5

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