
Your friendly neighborhood movie reviewers

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Role Models

Pam: This movie is from 2008, and I resisted renting it because it looked like a movie along the lines of Judd Apetow's over-the-top, sometimes profane, gross-out humor, but I was wrong. It is a little profane, and believe it or not the profanity comes from an eight-year-old little boy, which plays funny rather than offensive. In fact, that kindof sums up the whole movie: what could potentially be offensive comes off as very funny. A lot of that has to do wtih the tone of the movie, which is respectful, even as it makes fun of its subject matter. For example, Jane Lynch plays a reformed drug addict who runs a "big brother/big sister" type of organization and when she describes her former plight with drugs, it's believable and funny. These two guys join her organization as part of their required community service and take on "little brothers," one of which is the little boy who curses and insults these two at every opportunity. The other "little brother" is a geek (McLovin' from Superbad) who, to the dismay of his parents, is into role playing. There is a lesson to be learned and that is do what you love, no matter what other people think. If medieval role playing is your bag, then go for it and be the best costume-wearing, foam-sword wielding knight you can be. Fun movie. 2.5 stars out of 5

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