
Your friendly neighborhood movie reviewers

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sherlock Holmes

Pam: I love it when a movie is marketed as a "re-imagining" or a "re-interpretation" because what they're saying is, don't expect the movie to honor the original characterizations or plotlines. At least they're warning you. If you're a major Sherlock Holmes fan, don't expect a faithful rendition, but if you're a fan of a good adventure story, you're in luck. There's a couple of positives to this movie: first, Robert Downey, Jr. is quirky, funny, and smart, although some of his investigation methods are a little questionable (was the original Holmes so weird? maybe so...), and second, Guy Ritchie is directing. If you're a fan of Ritchie's other movies, then you'll like this one. It's got the same frenetic energy, snappy dialogue, and dark atmosphere but it's a little more polished than some of Ritchie's other work. The plot is a little silly, but just go with it and have fun. Jude Law is a respectable Mr. Watson who frequently gets put out with Holmes, but stays around for the action. Rachel McAdams is miscast as a potential adversary/love interest for Holmes - she's just too "apple pie" to be walking the streets of 1800's London. Good movie overall - fun and entertaining. 3.5 stars out of 5.

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