
Your friendly neighborhood movie reviewers

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Up In The Air

Pam: I really, really wanted to love this movie. And I did, up until Ryan (George Clooney) walks up the steps of Alex's brownstone. Up until that point, I was rooting for Ryan and Alex - a couple who seem to find a connection in a world of fast paced travel and jobs that keep them disconnected, especially from people they love. Ryan takes pride in his frequent flyer miles and enjoys hanging around in the fancy lounges at the airports he passes through - turns out to be not much of a life. His sister is getting married, and it's hard for him to even have a meaningful conversation with her about her life because he doesn't really know her. Then he meets Alex and finds a soul mate - she seems as lost and lonely as he is, and more importantly, just as eager to find a connection. Throughout all of this, Ryan is asked to train a new recruit, Natalie, on how to fire people at companies that are downsizing. She is eternally optimistic about life and love, and is a great foil for Ryan. You wonder - will he change her, or will she change him? The ending was a shock and a disappointment at first, but the more I thought about it, the more I understood and appreciated it. One of Clooney's best performances and well-deserving of the hype at the Oscars. 4 stars out of 5

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